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Municipal School - Certain instructions for drawl of salaries to the Municipal Teachers


Municipal School - Certain instructions for drawl of salaries to the Municipal Teachers

మున్సిపల్ టీచర్లకు జులై -2022 జీతాలు మున్సిపల్ కమీషనర్లు చేయుట గురించి సర్క్యులర్ జారీ

Roc.No. 21022/3/2022/E1, dated 24.07.2022


Sub: MA Dept - Teachers Establishment - Entrustment of Administrative responsibilities of the Municipal Schools to School Education Department - Certain instructions for drawl of salaries to the Municipal Teachers - issued - Regarding.


1.G.O.Ms.No.84 MA & UD (D1) Dept., dated 24.06.2022

2. This office Endt. Roc.No. 21022/2/2022/E1, dated 24.06.2022.

3. Proceedings RC.No.ESE02-13/262022-EST 3-CSE, dated 25.06.2022 of the Commissioner, School Education

4. Lr.Roc.No.475/2015/A3, dated 27.06.2022 of the RDMA, Visakhapatnam.

5.Lr.Roc. No.664/2022/A6, dated 27.06.2022 of the RDMA, Rajamahendravaram.

6.Lr.Roc.No.28901/2022/A1, dated 27.06.2022 of the RDMA, Guntur.

7.Lr.Roc.No.755/2022/A3, dated 27.06.2022 of the RDMA, Anantapuramu.

8. This office Circular Roc No. 21022/3/2022/E1, dated 30.06.2022

9. Lr.RC.No.ESE02-13/26/2022-EST 3-CSE, of Commissioner School

Education, dated 11.07.2022, received in this office 14.07.2022.

10. This office Circular Roc.No. 21022/3/2022/E1, dated 18.07.2022

11. Instructions issued to the MCs and to RDMAs by the C&DMA during the Video conference dated 20.07.2022

12. Lr.Rc.No.ESEO2-13/26/2022-EST 3-CSE, of Commissioner of School Education, dated 24.07.2022

The attention of all the Commissioners of Urban Local Bodies in the State where Municipal Schools exists are invited to the references cited and inform that, in the reference 10th cited, instructions were issued to all the Commissioners of the ULBS where Municipal Schools exists for taking necessary action on -

i. To give finalized total cadre strength of all categories of Municipal Teachers in DTA/CFSS and -

ii. To update the Service Registers with relevant entries and to send them along with LPCs of Teachers to the Regional Joint Directors of School Education concerned, through the RDMAs concerned.

2. In this regard, it is informed that, in the reference 12th cited (copy enclosed), the Commissioner of School Education has informed that, the last date for submission of salary bills is 25th of every month vide G.O.Rt.No.737, Finance (Cash Management) Department, dated 23.03.2020 and requested the following action to be taken for drawl of salaries to the Municipal Teachers for the month of July, 2022.

i. Cadre strength should be mapped to School Education Department APCFSS Portal

ii. Updated Service Registers and Last pay Certificates are required.

iii.Cadre strength of Primary/Upper Primary Schools should be mapped to concerned DDO i.e., M.E.O.

iv. DDO codes to be created to the HMs of Municipal High Schools

3. Further, the Commissioner of School Education has informed that, on receipt of the cadre strength particulars only the same will be mapped to School Education Department cadre strength in APCFSS portal and it will take time for processing of drawing of salaries in respect of Municipal Teachers due to non-receipt of the above required information. In view of the above, the Commissioner of School Education has requested to draw the salaries of Municipal Teachers until completion of the above said process.

4. In view of the circumstances and as per the request of the Commissioner of School Education, Commissioners of the Municipalities and Corporations where Municipal Schools exists are directed to take necessary steps to draw the Salaries of Municipal Teachers for the month of July, 2022 and all the RDMAs in the State are requested to direct the Commissioners and ensure that the above directions are complied with by all the Commissioners in the respective regions without any deviation.

5.This shall be treated as Most Urgent & Important.


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