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New Time Table for High Schools and UP Schools With GnanaDhara period - Class Wise Subject wise Allotment

New Time Table for High Schools and UP Schools With GnanaDhara period - Class Wise Subject wise Allotment 
Gnana Dhaara - Learning Enhancement Programme (GD - LEP) 
I. Background: 
       School Education Department has made an endeavour to bridge up the learning differences identified among the learners during A.Y 2017-18, especially the C1, C2, D1 and D2 grade low proficient learners. Accordingly, it has launched "Gnana Dhaara' Remediatlon Programme for Class V & IX during the summer vacation in 2018. 
The programme has shown 13.33 % Improvement in Telugu, 11.66 % improvement in English, 17.17% Improvement in Maths and 16.72 % Improvement in Science among the 6th class students. Similarly 27.82% improvement in Maths, 22.12% Improvement in Physical Science, 28.24% Improvement in Biological Science and no significant Improvement in English was observed among 10th class students. Due to a significant students turn up and positive parental response, it is now decided to further expand the remediation to classes VI, VII & VIII from this academic year. 
II Approach: 
      It is a consolidated view that these sessions, if scrupulously implemented, would have an encouraging impact to all those remedial seekers In the first instance. As part of this initiative, the Gnana Dhaara Learning Enhancement Programme (GD-LEP) is Introduced for English, Telugu and Mathematics during the academic year 2018-19. The teaching approach in remedial classes is different from the regular school hours. A two dimensional approach is designed to provide hand holding in basics as well as academics. This series emphasizes testing broad learning outcomes of previous class and reinforces the class - specific teaming outcomes mapping with the contents of the existing text book. 
III. Two - way Strategy: 
      This series has two broad segments. i.e. Classwork and Homework. 1. Homework: It is a common frame work for all the classes VI, VII & VIII which mainly aims at enriching the much-needed fundamentals of learning the subject. The teacher should ensure that the homework content Is assigned to the students on daily basis. The teacher must ensure that the evaluation of the homework content is religiously carried out on the successive days of the remedial programme. This is the heart of effective implementation of the programme as well as achieving Its core objective and motto. If need be, a regular remedial session may be utilized at full-length to ensure the evaluation Is done in the stipulated timeframe. The Homework segment is classified into live broad stages of 30 days each to develop literacy and numeracy from their basics. All the activities are framed and incorporated in such a way that the previous knowledge of the students is tested and to that new concepts are addressed in a simple way making learning a joyful experience while exploring the subject. The activities so designed not only strengthen conceptual learning, but also enables students to identify the practical errors, edit them and correct them on their own. 
New Time Table for High Schools and UP Schools With GnanaDhara period - Class Wise Subject wise Allotment ,UP Schools TIME TABLEWith GnanaDhara period - Class Wise Subject wise Allotment ,High Schools TIME TABLEWith GnanaDhara period,UP Schools TIME TABLEWith GnanaDhara period,New Time Table for High Schools and UP Schools With GnanaDhara period,New Time Table for High Schools With GnanaDhara period,New Time Table for UP Schools With GnanaDhara period
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