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INSPIRE Awards: Online Nominations for 2023-24 under INSPIRE Awards-MANAK Scheme – Details Here


INSPIRE Awards: Online Nominations for 2023-24 under INSPIRE Awards-MANAK Scheme – Details Here


Proc.Rc. ESE02/620/2022-SCERT-Part(1), Date: 25/06/2023

Sub: - School Education - SCERT, AP – Opening of online nominations for 2023-24 under INSPIRE Awards-MANAK Scheme - Certain instructions - Regarding.

Ref:-Letter from Namita Gupta, Head-INSPIRE-MANAK, Ministry of Science & Technology, DS&T, NEW DELHI-110016, F.No.12011/84/2023-IAM, DATE 20TH APRIL,2023

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All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and the District Educational Officers in the State are informed that in the ref. cited, Namita Gupta, Head-INSPIRE-MANAK, Ministry of Science & Technology, DS&T, NEW DELHI addressed a letter to all the states conveying that INSPIRE Award MANAK Scheme is a flagship program implemented by this Department with a basic objective to instill creative thinking among school students in the age group of 10-15 years and studying class 6-10.

The MANAK Scheme envisages to target one million original/innovative ideas from students studying in more than 5 lakh Middle and High Schools across the country, selecting the best ideas having potential to cater to societal needs and applications, for an INSPIRE Award, thereby motivating the students to take these ideas forward for prototype and product development.

All the schools can register under the INSPIRE Award MANAK Scheme, in each financial year, and nominate 5 best ideas from their schools, through online mode, in E Management of INSPIRE Award Scheme (E-MIAS) web portal of the Department using the link: www.inspireawardsdst.gov.in

The online nominations for 2023-24, resumed from 01stMay, 2023. The schools will be able to submit their online nominations till 31stAugust, 2023.

All the Regional and District functionaries in the state are requested to apprise all the schools under their purview about opening of online nominations under the MANAK scheme for 2023-24 and also about the deadline. The schools may be suitably informed to submit their nominations well before the given deadline in order to avoid last minute inconvenience encountered due to heavy load in the E-MIAS web portal.

Hence, all the Regional Joint Directors of school Education and the District Educational officers in the state are requested to motivate science teachers and issue guidelines to all the District Science officers of all to get maximum number of INSPIRE-MANAK nominations for the year 2023-24.

For more information, Dr.G.R.Bhagyasri, Nodal Ofcer, INSPIRE-MANAK, SCERT may be contacted on Cell No:7396602602.

This item of work should be treated as Most Important.







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