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AP: Conduct of Summer Reading Program to All the Children from Class 3-10 - Request to Provide Books – Proceedings


AP: Conduct of Summer Reading Program to All the Children from Class 3-10 - Request to Provide Books – Proceedings


Lr.Rc.No.SS-15024/10/2024-SAMO-SSA, Dt: 25/04/2024

Sub: Samagra Shiksha, AP - Quality Initiatives - Conduct of summer reading program to all the children from classes 3rd to 10th in all types of schools under government management schools - Request to provide books to the students during the summer vacation - Reg.

Ref: This Office Rc.No.SS-15024/10/2024-SAMO-SSA, Dt:22.04.2024

I wish to inform you that Samagra Shiksha, Department of School Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh, has introducing a special reading improvement program for all school going children from classes 3rd to 10th during summer vacation. The program is titled as summer reading program.

In the reference cited, All the RJDSES, DEOS are instructed to conduct of summer reading program to all the children from classes 3rd to 10th in all types of schools under government management schools i.e., ZP Schools, Municipal, all types of residential schools, Model schools, KGBVs, Ashram schools, etc.

The objective of this program will be implemented in all Primary, Upper Primary, High schools, KGBVS, AP model schools, AP residential school and all welfare society schools in the state. The books available in the School Libraries will be distributed to all students from class 3rd to 10th before schools closed for summer vacation to read those books during summer vacation.

This program will support children to improve Foundational Literacy skills and develop children as independent readers and lifelong learners. The program is aimed to develop love of reading by providing interesting Library books to them in Local Languages. These type of programs develops a culture of reading among younger generations and it became a habit of lifelong reading and consequently it improves the utilization of existing public library facilities.

As part of Implementing this program Samagra Shiksha, AP is decided to involve the State Publication Department is having much resource of Children Literature.

There are Public Libraries in urban and in some villages in the state. These Libraries having rich resource of children literature. There is a practice in vogue that the books from the public libraries are being issued to the children during school days, a very good practice and collaboration between the schools and Public Libraries. If the Public Libraries make the books available to the students during summer vacation children will benefit from it and the program of summer reading will become more effective in its intended outcomes. The rich treasure of Library books of Public Libraries is very much required to all school students to engage them during summer vacation.

In this regard, the Director Public Libraries is requested to examine the above request and issue instructions to the district and as well as mandal, village level Public Libraries for the distribution of Library books to the students to utilize during summer vacation and return once schools are reopened. Headmasters of the schools will designate a teacher to receive the books, distribute to the children and return the books to the Public Library.

Further, it is requested to issue instructions to all the district librarians to invite students to the Public Libraries during summer vacation and if possible a separate section with children books may be arranged so that it will be easy for children to select, sit and read the books.

In the view of the above, the Public Library Department is requested provide necessary support for effective implementation of the program.




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